Contact us at [enable javascript]. We will be happy to receive any feedback or tips. We usually respond within 12 hours.

You can also check out our twitter 🐦, where we publish news and quant analysis tips. Sending direct messages is not recommended though as twitter likes to hide messages from non-blue accounts.


Q: Do you offer a trial period?

A: We have a small free dataset, which should be enough for evaluation, but we don’t offer any trial period.

Q: Do you offer discounts?

A: We offer a 20% discount for the first 6 months for all new subscribers on For Individuals plans. We can discuss individual discounts for the For Companies plan based on company size and intended usage of our data, but not for the For Individuals plan.

Q: Do you have real-time data or data from today

A: We don’t offer real-time data, only historical. The data are uploaded to our servers around 3 AM UTC the next day.

Q: Do you accept USDT payments?

A: Yes, but we only accept quarterly (3 months) payments and charge 1 USDT fee due to additional manual processing.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking the Manage subscription button on our front page.

Q: Can I access S3 data directly without Python/lakeapi?

A: Yes, but it is not recommended/supported. More details.